revelation n. 1.揭发,暴露;泄露;显示;被揭露出来的事物;意外的发现[新事,新经验]。 2.【宗教】天启,启示,默示;圣经;〔the Revelations〕(基督教《圣经》中的)《启示录》。 It was a revelation to me. 这真是一件料想不到的事情。 What a revelation! 这真是一个意外!-al adj. 1. 暴露的;显示的。 2. 意外发现的。 3. 天启的,启示的。 n. -ist 启示论者;启示录作者。
In christ = covenant of grace = law and gospel . special revelation : way to eternal life 特殊启示?达永生之道。在基督里=恩典之约=福音=律法与福音。
I6 : “ that the father would grant you according to the riches of his glory . ” notice that it is not the ordinary gift of grace , but a special revelation of the riches of his love and power 请注意,保罗所求的并不是普通恩典的赐给,乃是在他的爱和能力之丰富里的一个特别启示。
It is possible for man to know god , know himself , and know the world , ( a ) because god created man according to his image , and man ' s analogical thinking ; and ( b ) because god has revealed himself to man , including general revelation and special revelation 人对上帝,对自己,和对世界的认识之所以有可能,一方面是基于上帝按着?的形象造人,人起初有类比的思维的可能和任务;另一方面是因为上帝向人的启示,包括普遍启示和特殊启示。